Indien Uttar Pradesh Meerut Kinderparlament im Dorf Kurali NGO BBA unterst¿tzt BMG Bal Mitra Gram kinderfreundliche D¿rfer - Kinder Kind Kindheit Kinderrechte Bildung lesen Zeitung Hindi indische Sprachen xagndaz | India UP Meerut children parliament in child friendly village Kurali - child childhood children rights read newspaper Hindi language - Projektpartner BBA - Bachpan Bachao Andolan



The Ruta de Paz: Reinventing El Salvador through Tourism

The Ruta de Paz in El Salvador shows how tourism can help rebuild a post-conflict society, despite ongoing socioeconomic challenges.

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Building Bridges: Tourism in Post-Apartheid South Africa

After Apartheid, tourism in South Africa has become a key economic driver and a force for social reconciliation. But moral challenges exist.

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Peace as a Responsibility and Commitment

How peaceful travellers and sensitive approaches in tourism can promote peace.

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Supporting Tourism in Times of Crisis: Continuity is Key!

In times of crisis, the continuation of tourism initiatives is crucial for stabilizing local economies and promoting peace - even without travellers.

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World Tourism Day 2024: Tourism and Peace

Date: 27 September 2024 | Location: Tbilisi, Georgia

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Carnival in Barranquilla

The revolutionary character of the carnival in Barranquilla is increasingly disappearing in favour of mass tourism. Traditions live on in the south.

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India: Overcoming Discrimination

Overcoming discrimination is one of the objectives of the Siddi community with their Damami tourism project in Karnataka, South India.

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Decolonizing the safari business

The colonial legacy still characterises today's safari industry, but local companies are paving the way for more equitable approaches.

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Zwei Surfer gehen zum Strand

The Moroccan Surf Tourism Dilemma

Surf tourism in Morocco rather intensifies post-colonial prejudices instead of reducing them.

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Decolonizing Voluntourism in Uganda

This study explores how volunteer work can reinforce deeply entrenched colonial patterns and the effects on communities. It also highlights solutions.

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Woman looking through Telescope_Uganda

New perspectives on tourism decolonisation in Africa

Promoting Africans as active producers and consumers of tourism experiences is crucial for the deconstruction of colonial structures in tourism.

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Canadian government launches new initiative to promote indigenous tourism

Economic upswing and cultural appreciation for indigenous communities – all of it achieved through the new tourism promotion program.

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To Do Award 2025 – the application phase has begun!

The competition for socially responsible tourism enters the next round: deadline for applications is July 31, 2024.

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Civic Space Under Siege -The Future of Tourism as a Freedom Economy

At the world's largest tourism trade fair ITB on March 5, 2024, Antje Monshausen was invited to provide a keynote speach in the 'diversity and

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Not on Track

To achieve climate justice in tourism there is still a long way to go. Climate mitigation and adaptation are urgently needed.

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Tourism at any price?

Dr. Ya-Yen Sun looks at the economic profitability of tourism from a cost-benefit calculation taking into account environmental effects.

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[Translate to english:] Strand aus Vogelperspektive

Sharing benefits and burdens of tourism in the era of climate crises

Climate protection is crucial to achieve climate justice for communities. Two initiatives from Latin America show how to promote climate justice.

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Scaling Up Decarbonisation

More than 100 climate-neutral tours. Thailand, shows how cross-sectoral collaboration and policy support can help to scale up climate action.

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The Loss and Damage Fund: Costs and Benefits for the Tourism Sector

The 28th Climate Summit (COP 28) established a fund to cover loss and damage caused by climate change. The tourism sector should contribute to it.

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Schiphol airport: measures to reduce emissions

Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport published new research findings and policy recommendations to reduce its C02 emissions by 30%.

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Protestplakat Fridays for Future

Missing link between tourism and gender at COP 28

Equality in Tourism criticizes the lacking intersectional approach between gender equality and tourism at the COP 28 in Dubai.

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Alba Sud summer school in Barcelona

The Alba Sud summer school will take place in Barcelona from 17-20 June 2024. It offers critical perspectives on the transformation of tourism.

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SDG 4: Education

Tourism can support education SDG 4 in many ways. Suyatri in the southern Indian state of Karnataka provides an example of how this can be done.

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SDG 8: Decent work

SDG 8 focuses on economic growth but neglects that work must be decent - including in tourism.

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Signposts point in different directions

SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production

To enable sustainable consumption and production patterns in tourism, markets of origin need to become aware of their responsibilities.

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SDG 13: Climate Action

The tourism industry scores poorly on climate SDG 13. Decarbonisation is slow. But it is possible, one scenario shows.

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SDG 16: Promote Peace

For Burmese refugees stuck in the border area between Myanmar and Thailand, peace is still a long way off. Travellers are providing support.

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Study: Determining the willingness of to pay a tourist tax

According to the study, tourists in Istanbul are more willing to pay for the protection of cultural heritage than for nature conservation.

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Taking stock of tourism in the Sustainable Development Goals

On the occasion of the SDG mid-term, the Transforming Tourism Initiative has taken stock with contributions to the individual SDGs.

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Pioneers of change

Claudia Brözel reports on the role of social enterprises for the sustainable transformation of tourism.

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[Translate to english:] Khwa ttu Trommler

South Africa: Learn and Share

!Khwa ttu enables young San to sustain their livelihoods and maintain their cultural heritage.

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[Translate to english:] Nepalesische Reiseleiterinnen

Nepal: A New Life

Women from Nepal who managed to escape human trafficking re-build their lives as tour guides.

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[Translate to english:] Person mit braunem Karton mit Aufschrift

SDG 10: Reducing Inequality

Creating job opportunities for marginalized groups can help reduce inequality.

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[Translate to english:] Asiatische Kinder mit Festtagsbekleidung

Study: Tourism in Asia before, during and after the pandemic

The study looks at tourism in a total of six South and Southeast Asian countries before, during and after the Corona pandemic.

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Study: Sustainability at booking platforms

The study looks at the economic, social and environmental sustainability efforts of 15 booking platforms.

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[Translate to english:]

Study: I am not a typical flyer

Research shows how people use strategies of moral disengagement to justify their flying behaviour.

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[Translate to english:] Tempel _ Kulturerbe

World Heritage Report: Tourism management of World Heritage Sites.

As examples from Pakistan and Mexico show, tourism can have a negative, but also a positive impact on the conservation of World Heritage Sites.

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[Translate to english:] Computer

The Invisible Burden of Tourism

Many holiday regions do not record the real costs of tourism. Often the expenses are even higher than the income from tourism.

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[Translate to english:] Mann sitzt am Meer

Dominican Republic: On track to resilience?

Local operators want to make tourism in Dominican Samaná more resilient. But the government still bets on mass tourism

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[Translate to english:] Insel

Maldives: Island State in Debt

Tourism once lifted the Maldives out of poverty. But the country’s debts have been growing faster than the economy, and climate change threatens the

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[Translate to english:] Frau mit Kind auf FAhrrad

Pacific: A “Blessing in Disguise”

Tourists are returning to the Pacific, but not all people are as entranced by the tourism sector as in pre-pandemic times.

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[Translate to english:] Fischerboote

Cape Verde: Barriers between the islands

Cape Verde's dependence on the travel sector has been its downfall since the pandemic. Diversifying the economy is a must, but domestic transport is

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Junge spielt Fußball in Peru

Peru: Child Protection in Informal Accomodations

The restart of tourism raises concerns about the effects on children, because the tourism sector is rapidly expanding and – to some degree – in new

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Vietnamesische Kinder beim Lernen

Vietnam: Connecting Child Protection and Sustainability

The pandemic has increased the vulnerability of children in Vietnam. High time for the tourism industry to include the protection of children in

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MSC Kreuzfahrtschiff

Cruise ship ranking 2022

NABU, a German environmental NGO, published its cruise ship ranking. The results were still unsatisfactory.

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Protecting Children during Project Visits

Many children are involved in tourist attractions and suffer the consequences. Three examples show how the protection of children can also succeed in

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Mann arbeitet mit Laptop in der Natur

Travel Trend Workation

More and more people are combining work with vacation – and go on "workation." But digital nomads are a relevant group among traveling sex offenders.

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Mensch zählt Geld

Advancing Child Protection in Tourism

Covid-19 derailed momentum in the protection of children from sexual exploitation, but the restart in tourism also offers opportunities.

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Food Waste

Thailand: Avoiding Food Waste, Saving Resources

Sourcing locally, wasting less. Food waste management can help restaurant and catering businesses to save not only resources, but also a lot of money.

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Increasing Food Prices in Latin America

Increasing food prices – also in consequence of the Russian War on Ukraine - are felt in Latin America – with new challenges for the tourism sector.

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Dürre im Südlichen Afrika

South Africa: Water Consumption in Tourism

The holiday paradise of South Africa beckons with pools, golf courses and wellness. But the country fails in supplying its population with sufficient

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Transforming Tourism Initiative Logo

Seminar Series: Informal Work in Tourism

Die Transforming Tourism Initiative hat sich in zwei Seminaren intensiv mit der Situation von informellen Arbeiterinnen und Arbeitern im Tourismus

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Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e.V.

Online seminar: Child protection during tourism project visits

Wie gelingt es Reiseveranstaltern, Projektbesuche zu organisieren ohne dabei Kinderrechte zu missachten. Praktische Hinweise liefert das Webinar.

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India: Air-Conditioners as Climate Killers

Air-conditioners are a typical ‘false solution’ when it comes to adaptation to climate change. Passive cooling offers alternatives – also in tourism.

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Teilnehmer:innen Fachtagung

Conference-Documentation: Child Rights and Tourism

Representatives from public and private sector as well as NGOs met in Berlin on June, 13 to discuss strategies to strengthen child protection in

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India: On The Way Up

Trekking guides in India are usually male. But that can change, as this year’s TODO Award winner Himalayan Ecotourism shows.

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Starke Frauen - Starker Tourismus

Latin America: Female Entrepreneurship in Tourism

Three women from Brazil and El Salvador report on the ups and downs of their entrepreneurship.

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Madagaskar Boot auf Fluss

Progress for Women in Tourism in Madagascar

While gender inequalities persist in Madagascar, women are increasingly free to choose their activities. The pandemic gave a boost to their

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Ausgebildete Managerin auf Barbados

Empowering Women in Caribbean Tourism

Krystal Yearwood of UNDP's future tourism project talks about the importance of women's empowerment to rebuilding Caribbean MSMEs in tourism after

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Paneldiskussion Informeller Sektor ITB 2022

Panel Discussion at ITB Convention 2022

Companies should not benefit from the vulnerability of people in the informal economy but act with due diligence to fulfil their responsibilities to

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Strand in Gambia

The Gambia: From Colonialism to Tourism

In 1965, The Gambia had just gained internal self-rule from Britain when the country was opened up to tourism, increasing its dependency.

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Afrobrasilianische Frau am Fenster bei Tag

Brasil: Postcolonial Bahia

Tourism in the Brazilian state of Bahia thrives on the cultural heritage of the Afro-Brazilian population. But instead of authentic culture, the

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Zaun aus Surfbrettern

Surf tourism worldwide

Travelling to surf becomes more and more popular. However, the way the sport is being practiced today is based on a colonial past whose power

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Bunt gestreifte Wand mit einem Mann davor

Europe: No more whitewashing

Baroque splendour makes Europe's metropolises a tourist magnet. What guests usually don't learn is that this prosperity is based on exploitation in

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Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e.V.

Diversity and Inclusion in Tourism 

Non-discrimination and diversity are important human rights issues for companies. Here's how tour operators can implement them.

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Online seminar: United for vaccine justice worldwide!

Two international online seminar on vaccine equity were held and highlighted the need for more engagement from the tourism industry and also giving

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Tourism and aviation commitments at COP26

On the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference, the travel and airline sector announced plans for more climate protection.

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Stop greenwashing - reduce air traffic now!

The aviation industry is trying hard to get a green image. Stay Grounded has critically reviewed the industry's claims for greenwashing in five

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Stealth Game – “Community” conservancies devastate land & lives in Northern Kenya

A report by the Oakland Institute documents the displacement of local indigenous people in private protected areas in Kenya and presents evidence of

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Woman looking through Telescope_Uganda

World Tourism Day 2021

Since 50 years, the international community celebrates World Tourism Day annually on September 27. We have compiled some statements and demands from

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Insel im Meer

No Long-Term Plan for Lakshadweep

A planned tourism project in the Indian Union Territory of Lakshadweep meets with resistance from both local people and the scientific community.

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Publication: "Rethink Single-Use Plastic Products in Travel & Tourism“

The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Travel & Tourism Council assess the impacts of plastic waste and provide implementation

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Strand-Fales auf Samoa

Tourism at 48°C

In many destinations, climate change puts the future of tourism at stake. Apart from mitigation, adaptation will be a major challenge.

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Bergbau im Jui-Tal, Rumänien

Tourism instead of coal in Romania

Romania is taking the chance for a sustainable transition away from coal - and gives the old coal fields in Jiu Valley a new economic significance

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Strategien für eine Just Transition im Tourismus

The journey to climate neutrality

The Science Based Targets initiative shows companies, including tour operators how much and how fast they need to reduce their greenhouse gas

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Child protection in tourism

Sexual exploitation of children is a current and important issue. ECPAT Germany re-launched its online training for tourism professionals in English,

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Encouraging Sustainable Tourism Practices

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing destinations around the world to reshape their tourism strategies. This publication provides analysis and good

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Videos of ITB 2021now online

The international tourism fair ITB NOW took place in March 2021. Here you can find videos of the events that we helped to create.

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Seminar: Precarious futures for gender equality in the post-COVID tourism world

In an online seminar, the International Transforming Tourism Initiative took a look at the consequences of COVID-19 on working conditions for women.

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Rezeptionist hinter Plastikscheibe mit Mund-Nasen-Schutz

Health as a competitive advantage

The Dominican Republic is prioritising tourism workers for COVID-19 vaccines to strengthen its economy. However, mainly large hotel chains seem to

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Reiseleiter mit Mund-Nasen-Schutz bei einem Seminar zu Corona Maßnahmen

For guides it will be even more difficult

Turkey has made headlines vaccinating staff in tourism. We interviewed Recep Yavuz with regard to the situation of tour guides.

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Vaccination priorities for tourism?

The way out of the corona tourism crisis leads through the expansion of vaccine production and global solidarity in distribution.

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Health and Wellness

Tourism on the way to recovery

People’s physical and mental well-being has suffered during the pandemic. Health tourism can contribute to recovery and resilience.

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Junge Demonstrantin:Innen auf einer Klimademo

A question of vaccine justice

If COVID-19 vaccination becomes mandatory for participating in the UN Climate Conference, the Global South will lose a voice due to lacking access to

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“Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains” passed the German Parliament

The “Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains” passed the German Parliament on June, 11th, 2021.

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COVID-19 Impacts on the Thai Tourism Supply Chain

The new report from the Asian Travel Association (PATA) and Focusright highlights the impact of COVID-19 on Thailand's tourism supply chain.

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Addressing Land Rights and Corporate Accountability in the ‘Re-start’ of Tourism

Documentation of the online seminar at the Asia - Europe People's Forum (AEPF13), 18.5.2021

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Gruppe indigener Mapuche

Responding to the pandemic with reforestation

Planting trees during the crisis: A reforestation project organised by this year’s TO DO Award winner Rutas Ancestrales Araucarias in Chile generates

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Schulung „Earthquake“

From COVID-19 to Climate

In the middle of the COVID-19 crisis hotels start to integrate disaster preparedness systematically in their strategies and actions.

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Hand mit Kompass

Sustainability Assessments in Tourism

Entrepreneurial and political decisions are often based on performance indicators. It is time to revise the existing success criteria for tourism.

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COVID-19 and its impact on tourism in The Gambia

In an interview with Naturefriends International, Adamah Bah explains the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Gambian people and outlines

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Tourism Declares

Interview with Kasia Morgan

The initiative Tourism Declares calls on the tourism industry to declare a climate emergency. Kasia Morgan explains, why climate protection is so

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Signposts point in different directions

Back to old routines or off to a better tourism?

ITB is a mirror of the current debates in the tourism world: Some promise to "build back better"; others try follow their old business paths.

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Cover Fair Reisen mit Herz und Verstand

Tourism Watch at ITB Berlin NOW 2021

This year's ITB Berlin, took place virtually from the 9 – 12 of March 2021. Tourism Watch participated with a virtual booth and own events.

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"Stop building back Tourism" – Interview with Albert Salman

In an interview with Jon Florin, Albert Salem, Dutch pioneer of tourism critiques and ambassador for tourism that serves the people in the

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Woman looking through Telescope_Uganda

Uganda: A game changer for women

Due to COVID-19, domestic tourism is moving into focus in many countries - also in Uganda. This strengthens women in the industry and promotes female

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Bali: Domestic Tourism as a Glimmer of Hope

With their borders closed to international tourism, the people of Bali use their creativity and collaborative spirit and rely on domestic tourism.

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Inlandstourismus_CBT_Thailand_Jaranya Daengnoy

Thailand: Emerging Stronger and Better

Tourism experts and entrepreneurs from Thailand explain how their country manages the COVID crisis, with a particular focus on community-based

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Community Based Tourism_CBT_Brasilien_Gemeindebasierter Tourismus

Brazil: Not Yet an Option

Disrespectful behaviour, waste and noise pollution, lack of interest, and now COVID-19. In Brazil the risks that domestic tourism entails for

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Study: The Case for Responsible Travel - Trends & Statistics 2020

The Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) has published its annual report on the state of sustainable tourism in 2020.

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Study: A spotlight on ten climate-damaging subsidies in Germany

A new study by Greenpeace Germany shows how a reduction of climate-damaging subsidies in Germany could relieve the federal government budget by up to

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Video documentation on precariousness of work

The discussion, with various exciting contributions, was about the vulnerability and precariousness of workers in tourism. The COVID-19-Pandemic

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UNWTO Report: Understanding domestic tourism and seizing its opportunities

In the light of ongoing restrictions of international mobility due to COVID-19, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published a report on domestic

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Video documentation on precariousness of work

With contributions from Brazil, the Gambia, Spain and the Philippines, the online seminar of the Transforming Tourism Initiative discussed the effects

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Video documentation on community resilience and tourism

Mit inspirierenden Beiträgen wurde im internationalen Online-Seminar der Transforming Tourism Initiative über alternative Tourismusmodelle im Hinblick

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Investors are concerned about the situation of migrant workers

Investors are taking an even closer look on what impact their investments have. Now a group of investors is concerned about reports of serious labor

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Policy Paper: Migrant Workers in the Tourism Industry

Das Center for Global Development hat einen zusammenfassenden Artikel über die Auswirkungen der Covid-19 Pandemie auf Arbeitsmigrant*innen in der

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Kreuzfahrtschiff auf See

Filipino Seafarers claim working rights

Seafarers worldwide are stuck on their ships due to COVID-19 – among them many Filipinos. They are facing inadequate hygiene measures, financial

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Tourismusmitarbeiterin in Eingangshalle

Migrant Workers in Tourism in Times of Covid-19

In an interview with Tourism Watch, Christiane Kuptsch, migartion expert at ILO, explains why migrants working in tourism are particularly affected by

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Straßenreinigung durch indische Männer

From Empty Hand to Mouth

In India, the informal sector has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. A study now provides insights into the extent of the precariousness and

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Demo - We the people

Women first

Women are predominant in tourism employment. But COVID-19 has revealed structural inequalities that are hitting female employees in the travel

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Safaripark Guards

Pandemic Poaching

Animal welfare activists, development workers and NGOs report that poaching is increasing again in times of pandemic lockdown. This could also be due

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virtuelles reisen

Virtual traveling

Virtual travel experiences can help tourism providers achieve a low income in times of crisis and give access to places and encounters – even without

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Two guides for respecting workers rights in the COVID-19 crisis

According to the latest ILO Report on COVID-19, a number of key economic sectors are suffering from a drastic fall in outputs. How to respond to the

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World Heritage Watch Report 2020 released

While sustainable tourism is implicit in the idea of the World Heritage, unsustainable tourism is increasingly morphing into a threat to the sites.

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Resilienz durch gemeindebasierten Tourismus

Tourism As A Viable Livelihood?

Due to the corona-crisis, the tourism industry is facing enormous challenges. The pandemic shows which providers and entrepreneurs are more resilient

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Titelbild Gemeindebasierter Ökotourismus im Dorf Esfahk

Together In Crises

Iran is not only fighting COVID-19. Political crises, trade sanctions, environmental disasters and a weak economy are pervasive. How do local tourism

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Schild ,,we alle be okay - spread hope" an Eingangstür

Unsustainably Resilient?

Resilience is the new buzz word. It is more than just returning to the old tourism models - which were neither sustainable nor resilient - but to

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Empty Road in India

For a new and just economy in tourism

In many countries public programmes are trying to stabilize the tourism sector. Against the background of already existing problems of the sector, how

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Schutzmasken gegen die Pandemie

Helpers in need

The platform Ubuntu Beds offers hotel rooms to medical workers in order to reduce the spread of the virus and losses in tourism. An interview with its

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The end of the global travel warning in Germany

While most European countries are about to re-start tourism, the German government extended the travel warning for countries of the Global South. What

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Dossier Digitalization
Titelbild der Studie: Techno-Dispurtions in Travel and Tourism.

Booking Platforms Disrupt Tourism Value Chains in India

How are booking platforms changing the tourism value chain in India? National players such as Oyo and MakeMyTrip dominate the market. A new study by

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Rikshaws in Indien

Improving Working Conditions Through Rating Platforms

The Fairwork Foundation rates and ranks the fairness of digital labour platforms. The goal of the project is to define standards for decent working

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Reisterassen auf Bali

Digital Travel Platforms in Germany Claim to Offer Sustainable Travel Options

More and more digital booking platforms and online tour operators claim to offer sustainable holiday trips. A second glance raises doubts: Does the

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Interaction between tourists and members of a community-based-tourism project in Cambodia

Bridging the Digital Gap for Tourism Projects in Cambodia

Most community based tourism initiatives in rural Cambodia do not have the necessary skills and conceptual understanding of the digital revolution

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 ‘Rinjani Women Adventure’ bieten als erste Frauen in Lombok Wandertouren an

Towards Gender Equality in Indonesian Tourism

Tourism is a promising sector of employment for women. However, digitalization and online booking platforms bring about new gender-specific

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Schild auf Demo: Queer Liberation, not Rainbow Capitalism

Bon Voyage vs. Boycott

How can LGBTQI* tourism contribute to the rights of homo- and transsexuals in travel destinations? Reflections from Cambodia, Colombia and Saudi

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Gorilla im Baum

Encouraging Change

Homosexuality is a punishable offense in Uganda. A tour operator describes his efforts to fight homophobia and discrimination of LGBTQI* persons in

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Bunte Surfboards an einer Mauer

Precious Human Rights

Rika Jean-Francois is in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility at the ITB Berlin and on the Board of Directors of the International Gay & Lesbian

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Unite Here uionist protesting for LGBTQI* rights

Equality, Decent Work and Economic Justice for All

Unionist Cleve Jones explains in the interview, what kinds of discrimination LGBTQI* workers in the food and hospitality sector face every day and how

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Bangkok - lebhaft und bunt. Doch nicht offen für jeden?

LGBTQI* Refugees in Thailand

Thailand is marketed as one of the world's most LGBTQI*-friendly destinations. But transsexual refugees face a different reality: a harsh and

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Dossier Climate justice
Leere Flugzeugsitze und Notausgang

Why we sould be ashamed when taking a flight

Flying is a luxury that only small global elites enjoy. However, it causes tremendous amounts of CO2 and severely damages our climate. It is high time

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Dossier Climate justice
Schild der Protestierenden mit der Aufschrift: billiges Fliegen kommt uns teuer zu stehen

"Generation easyjet“ vs. "Generation Greta“

We asked young people if and how the hot topic of fyling is discussed amongst their peers.

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Dossier Climate justice
asiatischer Zug

Flight Exclusive

The most popular destinations abroad amongst German travelers are Spain and Italy - spots that are all in medium distance and are accessible without

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Regenwald - Kompensation von CO2 durch Naturschutzprojekte

Shared Responsibility

The awareness for climate change is increasing amongst Peruvian tourism businesses. This article shows how they assume responsibility and take action.

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Flughafengebäude in Frankfurt

Taxing Aviation

Bill Hennings sheds light on the current political debate within the EU and demands action in order to drastically reduce the effects from aviation on

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Dossier Climate justice
Indischer Flughafen

India Takes Off

Air travel has become an integral part of life for the upper class and parts of the growing middle class. India’s Civil Aviation Policy seeks to make

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Avoiding the Trap

On their journeys to the Global South, tourists from Europe and North America risk to unknowingly reinforce stereotypes about other countries. Videos,

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Lempuyang Tempel auf Bali. Instagram Instagram-Touristen in der Schlange

Using their Influence for Good?

Via Blogs, Instagram or Youtube travel bloggers reach thousands of people in search of inspiration and information for their travel - influencing a

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Kinder am Computer

Online – Offline

The Internet opens new avenues for travelling sex offenders. ‘Cyber-grooming‘ on social media enables offenders to develop contacts with children and

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Book Review: “Justice and Ethics in Tourism”

In her book Professor Tazim Jamal advocates for more attention relating to questions of justice and ethics in order to foster "good" tourism.

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Erntestand auf den Bahamas

Agritourism in the Caribbean

Caribbean islands have increasingly turned to tourism as a pathway for economic advancement, often to the detriment of other industries, particularly

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Touristen und Bäuerinnen im Potato Park

Tourism, Food Sovereignty and ’Good Living’

In the face of rural poverty and climate change, agro-ecotourism in the Potato Park in the Peruvian Andes opens up new perspectives.

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Schild am Eingang des Limpopo National Parks, Mosambik

The Tale of the Promised Land

Three communities resettled outside of Limpopo National Park. However, the promise of irrigated agriculture is not fulfilled yet and severely impacts

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Bay El Salvsador

A Threat to Mangroves and Food Security

The plans of the Government to transform Jiquilisco Bay into “the Cancun of Central America” comes at a cost: Local communities loose access to

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Schild: Residents only

Tourism, Land Grabs and Displacement

In the interview, Prof. Andreas Neef shares the results of his new study. He analyzed 25 cases of tourism-related land grabbing and displacement in

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Male City

The Dark Side of Life

For a long time, tourism in the Maldives was seen as a force for economic development. But today, only a c chosen few profit from the excessive

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Ati Stamm auf Boracay

Paradise lost, regained: sold!

In the Philippines, the indigenous Ati of Boracay Island struggle to defend their land rights against unfettered tourism development.

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San Group Namibia

Regaining Control Over Land Through Tourism?

Tourism could contribute to preserving the Sans' cultural identity and thus to strengthening their land rights in southern Africa.

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City of Peoples, City of Nations

In alternative exposure tours, Ir Amim shows how tourism attractions in East Jerusalem, such as the City of David, become politicized.

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Dossier Climate justice

After the Floods in Kerala

The devastating floods and landslides in the South Indian state of Kerala destroyed a large part of the crops. In the mountain district of Wayanad,

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Beneath Our Feet

The Slave Castle Elmina in Ghana transmits to visitors the historical significance of slavery and underlines the importance of today's

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Quilombo Communities in Brazil

Community-based tourism in marginalized Quilombo communities of African descendants in Brazil offers coping strategies and opportunities for valuing

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The Killing Fields of Cambodia

Museums and memorials in Cambodia impressively inform about the mass murder of the Khmer Rouge against their own people and make an important

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Peacebuilding and Tourism in Colombia

After decades of armed conflict in Colombia, mutual interest and understanding support the transition to peace. For local people it is very important

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Dossier Human Rights

Strengthening the Informal Economy in the Fight against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism

In early June 2018, the International Summit on Child Protection in Travel and Tourism held in Bogota, Colombia offered an occasion to take stock of

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Dossier Human Rights

Using the growth of the cruise industry to get better working conditions aboard underway

Fabrizio Barcellona von der Internationalen Vereinigung der Transportarbeiter erläutert im Interview, inwieweit sich die Arbeitsbedingungen an Board

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Dossier Voluntourism

New Criteria for Voluntourism Projects in Southern Africa

While voluntourism has been gaining popularity, it has also come under increasing criticism. Fair Trade in Tourism has revised the criteria for

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Dossier Agenda 2030 and Tourism

The 2030 Agenda as a Frame of Reference for a Transformation in Tourism

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a new frame of reference for the international community is designed to advance both sustainability and

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Different Standards for the "Dinosaurs": Interview with Dietmar Oeliger, NABU

Cruise ships pollute the air, especially in ports, with enormous amounts of exhaust fumes. In our interview, Dietmar Oeliger of the German "Nature and

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Brazil: Favelas as a New Tourist Attraction

The World Cup and the Olympic Games are two of the events in Brazil which have been taken as opportunities to redesign urban areas by removing or

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International Tourism Exchange (ITB) Berlin 2014

ITB Berlin 2014 will take place from 5th to 9th March. From Wednesday to Friday, the trade fair will only be open to trade visitors, on Saturday and

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Biofuels for the Aviation Sector

Carbon dioxide emissions of aviation are increasing at two to three percent per year, contrasting international sustainability goals to reduce global

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Large Carbon Footprint and Various Side Effects

The climate mitigation targets for the aviation sector defined by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the International Air

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Less "Fun", More Challenges

Tourism is a booming industry in the Philippines. This trend has been running for a couple of years now, making this Southeast Asian republic one of

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The "Saharisation" of the Mediterranean

According to all reliable scientific scenarios, the Mediterranean is one of the world's regions where the effects of climate change will be most

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Unused Potential for Climate-related Transparency in the German Tourism Industry

Tour operators have an influence on their customers' behaviour and environmental impact in many ways: by designing their products in a suitable

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Climate Negotiations – From Warsaw to Paris

The climate summit which took place in Warsaw in mid-November 2013 was meant to pave the way for a new climate agreement to be finalised in Paris in

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"Lower Aguan River Valley, the Clamor for Land": Film on Displacement and Repressions in Honduras

In his film "Bajo Aguán: Cry for Land", journalist Giorgio Trucchi shows the dangers to which small-scale farmers in the fertile region of Bajo Aguán

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Global Climate Risk Index 2014

Poor developing countries are particularly vulnerable to global climate risks, despite the fact that in monetary terms the damage caused by extreme

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"Atmosfair" Airline Index 2013

Despite efficiency improvements, CO2 emissions in the aviation industry have increased, due to the growing number of passengers. The new airline index

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Long-Haul Tourism in 2050

An unrestricted increase in aviation emissions is not compatible with international climate stabilisation targets. Shaun Vorster, Marius Ungerer and

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Emissions Reductions as a Matter of Fairness

Scientists estimate that five percent of global CO2 emissions can be attributed to air traffic. Considering all the impacts on the climate caused by

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The Possible Impact of Air Transport Restrictions

Stronger demand for medium- and long-haul air transport leads to a further increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Neither efficiency improvements nor

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Palm Oil and Land Grabbing in West Africa

More and more African governments increasingly allocate common land to international investors in a non-transparent manner. They take advantage of the

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Tribute to Ron O'Grady

Ron O'Grady passed away on 25th February, 2014, at the age of 83. As a New Zealander, he worked in various positions in the Christian churches of Asia

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International Aviation - Addressing emissions while respecting equity issues

(Berlin, 07.05.2013) The new paper of Bread for the World in cooperation with Carbon Market Watch focusing on aviation and equity especially looking

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Travelling into an unknown future: 2050 – Tomorrow's Tourism

„2050 – Tomorrow's Tourism" by Ian Yeoman brims with enthusiasm, optimism and daring prophecies as his predictions are projected from today’s wealth,

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A Caleidoscope of Academic Tourism Critique

Critical Debates in Tourism edited by Tej Vir Singh is bound to be one of the most significant additions to the multi-disciplinary tourism discourse

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"I Can Make Choices"

Ella Mahlulo (40) is one out of many. She is one out of very many people in South Africawho have suffered in the past. But she is one out of not so

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"Palästina – Reisen zu den Menschen"

Reiseführer ins Heilige Land, insbesondere nach Israel gibt es viele - einige mit ergänzenden Informationen zu Ausflügen in die Palästinensischen

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"Schöne Ferien" für Tourismuskaufleute

Die Projektstelle zur Berufsschularbeit beim EPIZ Berlin hat eine neue Broschüre für die Ausbildung von Tourismuskaufleuten herausgegeben. Das

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Five Years after the Flood Waves

T. Ravindran stays in a dilapidated single room thatched hut with his four member family, right on the sea shore. He is a traditional fisherman of

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Land Conflicts in Tanzania

The wildlife reserves of Kenya and Tanzania have become an integral part of the tourism product. While most of the visitors only use their cameras to

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The Threat of Mega-Resorts in Brazil

René Schärer presents examples of tourism resort developments in Brazil that have been blocked by popular movements and federal attorneys. He points

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Towards Water Justice in Tourism

By Sumesh Mangalassery

The decision of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (2010) that affirms water as a human right is a major success for civil

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Tourism at Mount Kilimanjaro

They carry more than the permitted maximum luggage, don't wear proper clothes, and in case of health problems, medical care is not guaranteed. The

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The Dark Side of the Cruise Boom

"Fun Ships" are not fun for everyone, as Ulrich Delius shows in his article on the dark side of the cruise boom. The conditions under which the

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Tourism Industry Takes Action against Child Prostitution

The ″Code of Conduct″ (CC) for the Protection of Children from Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Tourism has reached the tourism industry. It has so

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Global Commitment to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation

The sexual exploitation of children is not inevitable. That was the message coming out of Rio de Janeiro where 137 governments met with children and

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A Matter of Survival

By Christina Kamp

Pacific islands countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change, which becomes a life and death issue in the Pacific. The

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"Plane Truths: Do the economic arguments for aviation growth really fly?”

Due to the high leakages in tourism, stagnation instead of economic growth in the aviation sector would not seriously affect developing countries. As

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Report on the Side Event "Climate Justice and tourism"

On the occasion of the climate negotiations in June 2010 and the Tourism European Network meeting, both held in Bonn, EED Tourism Watch organised a

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Responsible Tourism

In the current D+C Development and Cooperation 2010/07-08 is an article "Responsible Tourism" published on the thematic focus Corporate Social

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„Climate Justice is not clever calculation“ - The implementation of an air ticket tax by the German government


(Bonn, 30/06/2010) The recent decisions taken by the German government in order to restore the federal budget also include a tax on air tickets to be

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Broschüren zu Unternehmensverantwortung

Unter dem Titel "Zauberformel CSR - Unternehmensverantwortung zwischen Freiwilligkeit und Verpflichtung" liefert der EED einen Beitrag zur Debatte um

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Human Rights – A Primary Responsibility

In a new report "Putting Tourism to Rights", the British campaigning organisation Tourism Concern demands action to end human rights violations in

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Corporate Social Irresponsibility

By Sumesh Mangalassery

For the villagers of Kovalam fishing village, the night of April 13th, 2006 (the eve of the Tamil New Year) is still a

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CSR along the Service Chain

In their brochure "Supply chain engagement for tour operators"*, the Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development (TOI) shows

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Sustainability along the Line?

By Katja Plume

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays an increasingly important role. A symposium on CSR along the tourism supply chain,

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CSR Reporting Guidelines for Tour Operators

The "CSR Reporting Initiative for Tourism", an initiative by KATE (Center for Ecology & Development, Stuttgart) in cooperation with EED-Tourism Watch,

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CSR Labels for Sustainable Tourism

By Angela Giraldo

A quality label for sustainable tourism shall help customers to get an idea of the environmental and social impact of their

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ITB 2009: CSR Quality Labels for 15 Tour Operators

At the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) 2009, the first 15 members of the tour operators' association "Forum anders reisen" were awarded their

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New Institutions for Sustainability Certification in Germany

"TourCert", the non-profit certification organisation in tourism, was founded to certify CSR/sustainability reports prepared by tour operators.

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People, Not Profit! - Civil Society Perspectives on Tourism and Climate Change

The tourism industry must act immediately to reduce its emissions and to operate a broad paradigm shift, from profit-centred strategies to

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Efficiency is not enough

Tour operators currently find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, they recognize that climate change mitigation is essential for protecting

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New publications on Climate Change and Climate Justice

On the occasion of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP 15) in Copenhagen,

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"The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility"

In a globalised world, the capacity of the state to regulate economic behaviour is in decline. This implies an increasing role of economic

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"Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009"

The volume "Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009" is based on panel discussions and presentations made at the ITB Congress "Market Trends &

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International Tourism Exchange (ITB) 2010 in Berlin

ITB Berlin 2010 will take place from 10th to 14th March. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are reserved for trade visitors. From 10th to 12th March, ITB

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20. Reisepavillon: From Trade Fair to Congress

In its 20th year, the German Reisepavillon is going to present itself in a new form. After two decades as an alternative travel trade fair,

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Elusive Search for Climate Justice in Tourism

By Imtiaz Muqbil 

COPENHAGEN: An energetic two hour discussion on the issue of climate justice and tourism produced few answers to some of the

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Der Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen: Klimagerechtigkeit - auch im Tourismus!

(Bonn, 16.12.2009) Eine engagierte Debatte, moderiert von Imtiaz Muqbil, führten am 10.12.2009 während den Klimaverhandlungen in Kopenhagen Vertreter

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Learning From Each Other in Thailand

By Alfredo Quarto and Jim Enright

News of the tsunami on 26 December 2004 shook the world by the sheer number of deaths and severity of this

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"The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility"

In a globalised world, the capacity of the state to regulate economic behaviour is in decline. This implies an increasing role of economic

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New publication: „Tourism Development in a Changing Climate“

On the occasion of the climate conference COP 15 in Copenhagen, respect in cooperation with EED-Tourism Watch, Naturefriends International and other

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Nachhaltigkeit auf der ganzen Linie? CSR in touristischen Zulieferketten

GATE - Netzwerk, Tourismus, Kultur e.V. lädt zum Symposium „Nachhaltigkeit auf der ganzen Linie? CSR in touristischen Zuliefererketten" am

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Looking back: World Tourism Day 2008

On World Tourism Day 2008, the official celebrations focussed on "Tourism Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change". The main event was organised

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Disaster Prevention in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia

Sustainable tourism development is the best form of disaster prevention in tourism. This was one of the conclusions drawn by organisations from Sri

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Start der weltweiten Kampagne gegen Kinderhandel von ECPAT und The Body Shop

Das weltweite Kinderrechtsbündnis ECPAT und das Kosmetikunternehmen "The Body Shop" starten zum 31. August 2009 die dreijährige Kampagne "Stoppt

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"Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009"

The volume "Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009" is based on panel discussions and presentations made at the ITB Congress "Market Trends &

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"Climate Change and Aviation: Issues, Challenges and Solutions"

Aviation is one of the fastest growing drivers of climate change. In "Climate Change and Aviation", Stefan Gössling and Paul Upham have brought

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“State of the World 2009: Into A Warming World”

In the run-up to the climate summit in Copenhagen, the new Worldwatch Report "State of the World 2009" gives an overview of the political challenges

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Sun, Sand and Sustainable Tourism?

On Friday, 13th of March EED-Tourism Watch realized a presentation on Corporate Social Responsiblity in Practise under the title: "Sun, Sand and

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Dokumentation des Symposiums "Corporate Social Responsibility im Tourismus" erschienen

Im Rahmen des von GATE e.V. veranstalteten Symposiums „Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) im Tourismus", das am 9. und 10. Mai 2008 an der

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World Social Forum 2009, "Fair Trade" 2009

Workshops on tourism at the World Social Forum in Belém, Brazil, from 27th January to 1st February, 2009.

Further information:



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Upcoming International Events

The World Travel Market (WTM) in London will take place from 10th to 13th November, with 12th November being "World Responsible Tourism Day".


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Tourism Industry Takes Action against Child Prostitution

The ″Code of Conduct″ (CC) for the Protection of Children from Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Tourism has reached the tourism industry. It has so

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Dominican Republic: Progress in Fighting Sexual Exploitation of Children

In certain tourist areas in the Dominican Republic, child prostitution has become so rampant that hoteliers have recognised the need of taking action.

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Focus on CSR Reporting in Tourism

By Christina Kamp and Sabine Minninger

The “CSR Reporting Initiative for Tourism“, an initiative by KATE (Center for Ecology & Development, Stuttgart)

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Tourism at the Crossroads

GATS - the General Agreement on Trade in Services - promotes world trade liberalisation. With the expansion from trade in commodities under GATT to

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Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e.V.

10 Years Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism

The Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism celebrates its 10th anniversary and welcomes three new members.

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[Translate to english:] World Heritage Watch 2022

World Heritage Watch Report 2022

The World Heritage Watch Report 2022 presents 57 UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites under pressure.

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