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Techno-disruptions and travel

Examining the impact of platformisation in the Indian tourism sector
Publisher: Brot für die Welt, Tourism Watch and IT for Change | Berlin | 2020

On behalf of Tourism Watch, IT for Change analysed,more

pdf | Analysis 95 | 4 MB

The Decolonial Power of Community Tourism

Lukas Finkeldei (2018) | Challenging Colonial Paradigms in Ecuador´s Tourism Industry

This study focusses on the pedagogical effect of Community Tourism in the Ecuadorian context. Within themore

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Child Exploitation and Tourism at the Example of Orphanage Tourism: A Situation Analysis on the Current Situation of Orphanage Tourism in Myanmar Including a Comparison of Myanmar and Cambodia

Julia Hanel | While in industrial countries most of the residential care institutions for children are replaced by alternative child care the number of orphanages increased at tourist hotspots inmore

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From Volunteering to Voluntourism

Challenges for the Responsible Development of a Growing Travel Trend
Brot für die Welt - Tourism Watch, arbeitskreis tourismus & entwicklung (akte) und ECPAT Germany | Berlin | 2018

Spending somemore

pdf | englisch | 2 MB

In Deep Water

Coastal Communities in the Era of Tourism Development
Brot für die Welt - Tourism Watch, Terramar, Kabani and NAFSO | Berlin | 2017

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectorsmore

pdf | Facts 60 | 384 KB

Volunteer Tourism: An In-depth Analysis of the Potential German Volunteer Tourist

Sophie Junge (August 2016) | In a continuously growing and diverse industry such as tourism, it is essential for tour operators and tourism organizations to enter new markets, and attract newmore

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Sustainability in tourism

A guide through the label jungle (new edition 2016)
Brot für die Welt -Tourism Watch, Naturfreunde Internationale, arbeitskreis tourismus und entwicklung (akte) und ECOTRANS e. V. | Berlin | 2016



pdf | englisch | 1 MB

Transforming Tourism

Brot für die Welt - Tourism Watch, arbeitskreis tourismus und entwicklung (akte) und TourCert gGmbH | Berlin | 2016

Within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the international communitymore

pdf | Profile 20 - Transforming tourism | 416 KB

epub | englisch | 1 MB

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Fair tourism – A matter of heart and mind

Tips for fair travel (new edition 2016)
Brot für die Welt - Tourism Watch, Berlin | 2016

The booklet in a convenient pocket format stimulates reflection and analysis regarding the impacts of tourismmore

pdf | Fair Reisen mit Herz und Verstand | 2 MB

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Online-Version | german

Online-Version | english

HDR 2015: Work and Human Development

The new ”Human Development Report 2015“, published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), describes the positive development effects of work, but also shows that they depend on certainmore

Assessment of the Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change of the Tourism Sector in Small Island Developing States – A Case Study of Grenada

Kirsten Sander (June 2015)

Since the end of the 19th century, the increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) andmore

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From “Fair Trade Tourism” to “Fair Trade Holidays” – A Tourism Innovation Based on a Sustainability Standard

Yannic Fischer (June 2015) |  Holidays or Fair Trade Travel Packages1 to South Africa since 2010, which are certified travel packages meeting certain requirements to enhance sustainable development inmore

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The importance of child protection in Volunteer Tourism - a gap analysis for risk identification and derivation of recommendation for action

Friederike Hertwig (July 2014) | The hype of volunteering in foreign countries and indicating social commitment has been growing over the past decade. As volunteer tourism only developed towards anmore

pdf | Download thesis | 1 MB

Flying green

Potentials, Risks and Perspectives of Agrofuels in the Aviation Sector
Brot für die Welt - Tourism Watch | Berlin| 2014

International climate policy aims to limit global warming to a maximum of twomore

pdf | Facts 47 | 2 MB

epub | Facts 47 | 815 KB

Travelling into an unknown future: 2050 – Tomorrow's Tourism

Ko Ko Thett | „2050 – Tomorrow's Tourism" by Ian Yeoman brims with enthusiasm, optimism and daring prophecies as his predictions are projected from today’s wealth, technology and resources. As amore

International Aviation

Addressing emissions while respecting equity issues
Brot für die Welt - Tourism Watch | Berlin | 2013

The year 2013 will be the most crucial for emissions caused by aviation. For years it wasmore

pdf | Facts 36 | 2 MB

Pro-Poor Tourism as a means of poverty reduction- Benchmarking and Performance Measurement of pro-poor activities in developing countries

Sarah Hussmann (April 2010) | Can tourism reduce poverty? Is it feasible? How can performance be measured and projects be evaluated and compared in terms of global thinking? The discourse on thismore

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A Caleidoscope of Academic Tourism Critique

Ko Ko Thett | "Critical Debates in Tourism"

Critical Debates in Tourism edited by Tej Vir Singh is bound to be one of the most significant additions to the multi-disciplinary tourism discourse as 35more

Adapting the Cambodian Tourism Sector to Climate Change: Needs and Challenges

Janto Simon Hess (November 2012) | This study focuses on the climate change adaptation of the tourism sector in Cambodia. Climate change adaptation has come into focus since it has generally beenmore

pdf | Download thesis | 5 MB

Coastal Conflicts in Costa Rica and the Territorios Costeros Comunitarios Law Project (TECOCOS)

by Kevin Haddock (September 2012) | This work aims to contribute to the debate on social conflicts generated by coastal development and the process of land tenure reform as a conflict resolutionmore

pdf | Download Thesis | 6 MB

Sustainable Destination Management in Timor-Leste

Christian Wollnik (December 2011) | The destination became the main competitive unit in the tourism sector, and is defined as as a tourist product and then as a specific supply involving a set ofmore

pdf | Dowwnload Thesis | 2 MB

Beyond Greening (short version)

Reflections on Tourism in the Rio-Process
eed Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst - Tourism Watch, Alba Sus, Kabani und Terramar | Bonn | 2012

At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the internationalmore

pdf | Short version | 197 KB

pdf | Beyond Greening (2012) | 3 MB

Putting Tourism to Rights

A Call for a Human Rights Approach in Tourism
eed Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst e. V. - Tourism Watch, Tourism Concern and arbeitskreis tourismus & entwicklung (akte)  bonn | 2011

A Call for amore

pdf | Putting Tourism to Rights (2011) | 1 MB

Magic Formula CSR?

Magic Formula CSR? Corporate Responsibility between Voluntary Commitments and Binding Regulation. A Contribution to the Debate on the Quality of Voluntary CSR Measures in Tourism
eed Evangelischermore

pdf | Profile 10 - Magic Formula CSR? | 369 KB

"The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility"

CSR – not just a Western Concept

In a globalised world, the capacity of the state to regulate economic behaviour is in decline. This implies an increasing role of economic self-regulation mechanisms,more

Learning From Each Other in Thailand

By Alfredo Quarto an Jim Enright | Tourism and Community-based Resource Management

News of the tsunami on 26 December 2004 shook the world by the sheer number of deaths and severity of thismore

“State of the World 2009: Into A Warming World”

In the run-up to the climate summit in Copenhagen, the new Worldwatch Report "State of the World 2009" gives an overview of the political challenges in dealing with climate change. The technologiesmore

"Climate Change and Aviation: Issues, Challenges and Solutions"

Aviation is one of the fastest growing drivers of climate change. In "Climate Change and Aviation", Stefan Gössling and Paul Upham have brought together a wide range of academic perspectives on themore

"Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009"

ITB Kongress 2008

The volume "Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009" is based on panel discussions and presentations made at the ITB Congress "Market Trends & Innovations" in March 2008, which hadmore

Tourism Development in a changing Climate

Tourism Development in a changing Climate: Backgrounds and Perspectives on the Role of Tourism in International Climate Politics
eed Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst e. V. - Tourism Watch, respect,more

pdf | german | 5 MB