Transforming tourism together!
Together with partners from different parts of the world, Tourism Watch as a strong brand of Bread for the World works for fair and responsible tourism.
Networks in German speaking Countries
ECPAT Germany – The Working Group on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation is part of the international ECPAT network which has partner groups in more than 80 countries. Its objective is to protect children worldwide from sexual exploitation and violence. As a member of the board, Bread for the World plays a role in shaping the political work of the organisation based in Freiburg. Tourism Watch works with ECPAT Germany in the working group on child protection of the German Travel Association and the national and federal states’ working group “Protection of children and youths from sexual violence and exploitation”.
Fair unterwegs – Working Group on Tourism and Development (Arbeitskreis Tourismus und Entwicklung – akte) in Basel is an important cooperation partner in many projects and activities by Tourism Watch. The most important joint projects include the work on the 2030 Agenda and tourism, and on voluntourism. The portal is the most profound online source of information for tourists in German language. In Switzerland, akte is a centre of competence and criticism for political decision-makers and industry. It is highly valued as an educational institution within and beyond the tourism sector.
The Institute for Tourism and Development (Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung) works on forms of tourism that encourage encounters between hosts and guests. With the ”Sympathiemagazin“ series, Studienkreis provides tourists with entertaining and inspiring information on countries and their people. With the TO DO Contest Socially Responsible Tourism, the organisation annually awards tourism initiatives from all over the world that focus on the participation of local people and communities. Tourism Watch at Bread for the World is part of the editorial team for selected Sympathiemagazin booklets and a jury member for the TO DO award and the Toura D´Or film award.
TourCert, a certification agency in tourism, assesses the sustainability performance of tour operators and destinations in many countries worldwide and awards them with the most comprehensive and most credible tourism label available in Germany. Bread for the World – Tourism Watch is one of TourCert’s founders. Along with other experts from academia, nature protection and trade unions, Tourism Watch is part of the independent certification council which is in charge of awarding certificates. Tourism Watch is also represented in the jury of the fairwärts contest 2018.
Naturefriends International is engaged in information and education on environmentally sustainable and fair tourism. The international network with an office in Vienna and its tourism desk “respect“ supports more than 40 Naturefriends groups in different countries.
International Networks
The Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism is an international, non-profit multi-stakeholder initiative bringing together tour operators, NGOs, travel associations and other specialised tourism organisations from different European countries. The members have been pushing for the implementation and application of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The chairmanship of the board of this international NGO is currently in the hands of Tourism Watch.