General awareness of the environmental damage caused by plastic is increasing. In the tourism sector, first companies start to move toward a circular approach. Together with local authorities and waste management companies, they strive to replace single-use plastic products by reusable materials.
In their study "Rethink Single-Use Plastic Products in Travel & Tourism," the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) assess the impact of plastic waste and provide implementation recommendations. Along the tourism value chain, areas are identified where the risks of plastic waste are particularly high. Examples include water bottles, food packaging, wet wipes, fishing nets and tire wear. Cruise tourism in general carries a particularly high risk.
In addition, the study shows how different actors in the industry can reduce the environmental damage caused by single-use plastic products. Recommendations for action in this regard are given. Decision trees on the topics of plastic bottles and cups, hygiene products, packaging, and bags and liners facilitate to trade off ecological and economic aspects. Best practice examples in which single-use plastic products have been successfully removed from the value chain round off the action-oriented publication.