
Third UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (UN-LDCIII) Brüssel, 14.-20. Mai 2001



Absatz 63

International tourism is one of the few economic sectors through which LDCs have managed to increase their participation in the global economy. It can be an engine of employment creation, poverty eradication, ensuring gender equality, and protection of the natural and cultural heritage. These facts principally result from the existence, in most LDCs, of significant comparative advantages that are conducive to viable tourism specialization. Yet, tourism is not among priority sectors for socio-economic development in many LDCs.

Absatz 64

Actions by LDCs and the development partners will be along the following lines:

(a)            Promoting a climate conducive to tourism;

(b)            Recognizing the potential of the tourism sector in national development strategies, and ensuring effective participation of domestic tourism authorities in the national decision-making process;

(c)            Determining the most desirable tourism product specialization in order to guide potential investors in their decisions;

(d)            Promoting domestic and foreign investment in the tourism industry and related sectors with full respect for natural and cultural heritage;

(e)           Taking measures to facilitate local tourism operators' access to, and participation in global information and distribution systems;

(f)             Formulating strategies to achieve the most beneficial linkages between tourism and land, sea and, particularly, air transport;

Action by development partners:

(a)            Supporting LDCs' efforts to encourage investment in the tourism industry and enterprise development in the wider tourism economy, in particular through increased access to finance and the development of local human resources;

(b)            Assisting LDCs in their efforts to enhance their economic efficiency, competitiveness and the sustainability of tourism operations, in particular by assisting their efforts to access and participate in global distribution systems and use appropriate technology;

(c)            Assisting LDCs in their efforts to promote synergy between transport and tourism, with particular reference to air transport;

(d)            Considering providing financial, technical and/or other forms of assistance to support LDCs' efforts to strengthen their national capacities in the field of tourism.
