Even if it does not seem so in November 2020, domestic tourism is generally more resistant to shocks and crises and recovers from them faster than international tourism.
No wonder that more and more countries – also in the Global South - are currently launching new advertising campaigns and discount deals for their own population or offer more options for extended weekends by combining holidays. Most successful are those countries that already had internationally travelling upper classes before the crisis. Our articles from Thailand and the Indonesia show potentials, but also limitations of these strategies.
In a world of increasing crises, be it the climate crisis, political tensions or pandemics, the focus on domestic tourism should not remain a short-term emergency solution, but become an integral part of all tourism strategies. Its sustainability balance is usually much better than that of international travel: In general, domestic travelers consume more local products, have shorter travel distances and use therefore fewer resources. Although domestic travelers, particularly in developing countries, usually spend less money than international guests do, their spending has a broader economic impact at the local level. The expenses do not only last in the hotels, but also go to a broader range of smaller shops and restaurants. Our article from Uganda highlights these positive potentials particularly for women. As our article from Brazil shows, domestic tourism also carries risks for local communities. Exploitation and over-tourism are consequences if domestic tourism is not well prepared.
2020 was and is the most difficult year in a long time for everyone who lives from tourism: entrepreneurs*, employees, but also countless people in the informal economies. Whether it is a lost year for tourism itself remains to be seen. We share with our authors the hope – and the expectation - that tourism after Corona will be more sustainable, healthier and more resilient than before.
In this spirit, we wish you a contemplative Advent season – please have a look at our suggestions for digital journeys from early summer as a glimmer of hope for a better year 2021.