Tourism Watch No 116

Colonial Continuities in Tourism

In the Global South, many colonial continuities are evident in tourism. Decolonizing tourism requires, above all, greater local participation. If this is not achieved, tourism can even create new, neo-colonial dependencies and perpetuate injustices.

To the new edition 116

Tourism Watch No 115

Climate Justice in Tourism

Tourism is both: a catalyst for climate change and a sector propelled by the climate crisis. Its viability as a profitable economic sector hinges on its ability to swiftly transition towards climate neutrality. Climate justice in tourism means reducing emissions, enforcing the polluter-pays principle, and enhancing the value of tourism at the destination level.

To the new edition

Newsletter No 114

Tourism in the SDGs

Tourism is indispensable for the achievement of all SDGs. That is why the Transforming Tourism Initiative (TTI) is taking stock at the mid-term point and looking at the extent to which progress can be seen in tourism for nine of the 17 goals. Five selected contributions are presented here in German.

To the current issue of the newsletter

Carnival in Barranquilla

The revolutionary character of the carnival in Barranquilla is increasingly disappearing in favour of mass tourism. Traditions live on in the south.

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India: Overcoming Discrimination

Overcoming discrimination is one of the objectives of the Siddi community with their Damami tourism project in Karnataka, South India.

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Decolonizing the safari business

The colonial legacy still characterises today's safari industry, but local companies are paving the way for more equitable approaches.

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Zwei Surfer gehen zum Strand

The Moroccan Surf Tourism Dilemma

Surf tourism in Morocco rather intensifies post-colonial prejudices instead of reducing them.

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Decolonizing Voluntourism in Uganda

This study explores how volunteer work can reinforce deeply entrenched colonial patterns and the effects on communities. It also highlights solutions.

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Woman looking through Telescope_Uganda

New perspectives on tourism decolonisation in Africa

Promoting Africans as active producers and consumers of tourism experiences is crucial for the deconstruction of colonial structures in tourism.

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Canadian government launches new initiative to promote indigenous tourism

Economic upswing and cultural appreciation for indigenous communities – all of it achieved through the new tourism promotion program.

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To Do Award 2025 – the application phase has begun!

The competition for socially responsible tourism enters the next round: deadline for applications is July 31, 2024.

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Civic Space Under Siege -The Future of Tourism as a Freedom Economy

At the world's largest tourism trade fair ITB on March 5, 2024, Antje Monshausen was invited to provide a keynote speach in the 'diversity and

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Not on Track

To achieve climate justice in tourism there is still a long way to go. Climate mitigation and adaptation are urgently needed.

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